Friday, September 08, 2006

Loretta Serrano, Super Sleuth (2)

"Not to mention the fact that if this abductor was THAT GOOD, I assure you that he would have done this before and there would be other, unsolved, mysterious disappearances of little girls or boys. You must disregard your emotional reactions. You must put on your pointy little thinking caps and detach from your erroneous "feelings." Look at all the evidence. Listen to that 911 call. Read what Lunsford says (don't watch him - he has a way of distracting you). There are so many things wrong with this picture, including them CASHING IN on this tragedy, I don't know what more you need to think that HE STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!" -Posted by loretta at March 1, 2005 10:42 AM

"In fact, the next person who suggests that someone from the church or someone from the neighborhood, or one of the 50 sex offenders in the however many square mile area or the milkman came in and took Jessie, you better bring me some evidence." -Posted by loretta at March 1, 2005 10:46 AM

"The more I see Whoseyerdaddy, the more he gives me the creeps. I think if he gets away with this and makes thousands of dollars, it will be considered an ingenious plan. I'm taking this one step further. I'm suggesting he planned it and that it was financially motivated." -Posted by loretta at March 1, 2005 10:53 AM

"That crossed my mind as well Loretta, as horrible as it is to imagine." -Posted by karenancy at March 1, 2005 10:54 AM

"I'm going to lay it all out for you in black and white and you can decide where this investigation should go from here. I think it will be fairly obvious. Follow the money, follow the dad." -Posted by loretta at March 1, 2005 11:27 AM

"Long, long ago in a far and distant past life, I stayed out late and partied with friends. Often someone would go for a "run" in the middle of the night, like say 2 or 3 AM. Quite common. Who's to say Mark didn't go for a little "run" that night (or that was his excuse) and really go home and take Jessica?" -Posted by loretta at March 2, 2005 07:28 PM

"Regardless of whether or not Mark did something or someone else did something or, in the unilikely event it was a predatory stranger, Mark's lifestyle has contributed to his daughter's disapearance. Notice that this is a common thread. Lunsford had a habit of going out all night. Carlie Bruscia's mother is a junkie. The Smarts let homeless men work in their house. The Van Dams were vulnerable because of their lifestyle choices. Unattended children are taken every day. -Posted by loretta at March 3, 2005 10:55 AM

I don't believe anyone sized up the situation more accurately than the following from Court TV's forum 03-18-2995 11:34 PM:

"The owner of the misfitting blog was particularly nasty in some of her comments against the father. I hope they come back to bite her in her sorry a$$."

Response: "Loretta? I'm not surprised..."


A "bite in her sorry a$$" courtesy of Mark Lunsford.

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