Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Loretta Serrano's "For the Record"

Loretta Serrano said...

"For the record, I posted Lora's kids' names and BDates and her new address on Usenet and my blog to prove a point. I realized that it was going to stay in some venue permanently, as did all the posts that (Names edited out, none of which is the victim of this contemptible public exposure.) and all the mutts who used my daughter's name and my name to slander me at Usenet. I realized that it was not an appropriate venue for that, but I did it anyway.

Did I feel bad about it? Yes, actually. You can ask the people in the kitchen what I said. I said, I know it was wrong, but I did it anyway. Does that make me a sociopath? Have at it. I am no more pathological than you all, and in fact have not done a fraction of the things of which you accuse me."

7:22 PM, June 25, 2006

so·ci·o·path (noun)
One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by antisocial behavior.

Regarding a custody battle over Loretta's own minor child:

"Yes, I could take him back any time. The problem is, if I do, and I get more money (which I will) that will just torque up Miss Loveliness' wrath. I would not put it past her to poison L or cause an "accident" or attempt to murder her in order to get out of paying the money.

Seriously. I can't prove it, but I believe she would harm L. I know L has a guardian angel and that is why she has not succumbed to Miss Loveliness' previous attempts.

A judge would laugh me out of court if I tried to present that suspicion, so I just have to hope and pray nothing bad happens.

I don't want to exacerabate the problem by taking him back and getting more money.

If he takes ME back, that's another story. Then, it serves him right, I shrug my shoulders, and Miss Loveliness has no one to blame but herself."

Posted by loretta at August 22,2004 03:06 PM

What kind of a mother makes such dreadful accusations, then entrusts her daughter's safety to a guardian angel? A lying scheming one, that's who. Have I proved my point?

"Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them." ~Oscar Wilde

Bloggers' Hall of Shame

Loretta Serrano, Observations of a Misfit

A disgrace to the Blogosphere

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