Loretta Serrano, Mythomaniac
myth·o·ma·ni·a (noun)
A compulsion to embroider the truth,
engage in exaggeration, or tell lies.
Date: Sat, Jun 10 2006 12:55 pm
Email: "RetzQ" a.k.a. Loretta Serrano
Groups: alt.activism.children, alt.fan.bob-larson, misc.legal
"The unduly maligned model of the "village raising the child" demands a social and moral responsibility of the community comprised of caregivers, health professionals, educators, and religious organizations, and which promotes a collective consciousness of all children, not just one's own. In a culture where families are disenfranchised, distrustful, and transient, it is the children who remain powerless.
Take the initiative to become involved with the children of your community. Your awareness may save a child's life."
Ms. Serrano failed to include bloggers on her list of essential neighborhood guardians.
Fact: Under her stewardship, along with encouragement from members of her blogging community, Loretta not only took the initiative of disclosing personal information about minor children, but also had this to say:
"I suggested that Shina would make a very poor parent, and that her baby was better off dead. Well, God knows what He's doing. He works in mysterious ways."There's a village in Ohio that has not been deprived of an idiot.
~Posted by: loretta at January 7, 2006 07:50
Bloggers' Hall of Shame
Loretta Serrano
Observations of a Misfit
A disgrace to the Blogosphere
Loretta Serrano
Observations of a Misfit
A disgrace to the Blogosphere
Labels: Loretta Dillon, Loretta Serrano, misfitting.com
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